Game size: 7.9 GB for PC

Dead Space 2 poster

About game:

Release year: 2011

Game Size: 7.9 GB

Gener: Horror

Developers: Electronic Arts

Publishers: Visceral Games

Platform:  PC

Dead Space 2 cover
In advance, in the soul of complete divulgence, I ought to say that I an, a colossal enthusiast of ghastliness – films, books, recreations, and so on. Additionally, however individuals who have perused me over the previous decade of diversion checking on know me as somebody who has amusements for the most impact, I have been encountering something of a FPS obsession as of late. Along these lines one could contend that I was fairly prepared for an amusement like Dead Space 2, which has driven me maybe to rate it more profoundly than somebody not all that slanted. 
When we last saw Isaac Clarke, the anonymous saint of Dead Space, he was guiding a van far from the destined spaceship Ishimura when he was assaulted by a "Necromorph" with the substance of his dead sweetheart Nicole. Dead Space 2 happens three years after the fact in a city on Titan where Isaac awakens in a doctor's facility. Through different discussions I have come to comprehend that there are two or three enlivened shorts that join the occasions of Dead Space the first and Dead Space the second, however I haven't seen them thus can't remark. 
Dead Space 2
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The healing facility is overwhelmed by "Necromorphs" and Isaac makes a getaway – in a standout amongst the most grasping opening sections I have ever played. From that point, to abstain from giving anything without end, I will say close to that Isaac must choose who to trust as he tries to find why there may be "Necromorphs" here when he exited the outsider marker that makes them behind on the planet surface. 
The frightfulness in Dead Space 2 is more intense than the first. Less on the grounds that the "Necromorphs" are more regrettable this time around – for sure there are just a couple of new sorts of "Necromorphs" that you keep running crosswise over – but since the Ishimura was a military vessel and generally what you saw were dead officers. The Sprawl is a finished city, and you discover dead children in a childcare focus and dead families in their lofts. 
Dead Space 2
One of the additionally aggravating scenes, for occasion, includes a man who has blown his brains out while watching his wedding video, the deteriorating body of his wife in their conjugal bed. You see bodies scattered in a shopping center, at a school play, patients and specialists overwhelm in the clinic. Instinctive stuff. The story is progressed through genuinely consistent recordings produced with the amusement motor in a plotline loaded with crosses and deceives. 
As I said, the playing style in Dead Space 2 is pretty much unaltered from the first. Isaac wears an experience suit, which gives him protection, a stasis capacity and telekinetic power. He has entry to some real weapons,) yet generally his weapons are ad libbed devices like a laser, a plasma cutter, and a nail-firearm gadget. The "Necromorphs" can be difficult to execute, the best means being to remove their appendages, in all its disjoining, fountaining magnificence. You can likewise utilize your telekinetic energy to toss objects at them, similar to iron bars, barrels of hazardous, and their own separated appendages. Hurray! Great times, great times. 
Dead Space 2
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The "Necromorphs" are really an abhorrent group. There are spitters and slashers and howlers, shrieking, chittering. New to Dead Space 2 are "Necromorphs" that look like youngsters – dark distorted kids with extremely sharp teeth. They are not quite a bit of an issue exclusively, but rather in packs they can truly invade you. There are additionally coddles with stacked diapers – diapers stacked with explosives judging from the impact when you shoot them. There is additionally a kind of two-legged puppy like animal. These animals work in packs and utilize spread to high impact, running at you in coordinated slamming assaults that abandon you lying on your back. There are some truly insane minutes managing those packs. 
The connection of incredible First Person Shooter narrating blended with light Role Play Game components has turned into an extremely fruitful recipe and made some of my most loved recreations: System Shock, BioShock, Mass Effect, Half-Life and now Dead Space. The plot line of Dead Space 2 is obviously setting up for another continuation, and however I simply wrapped up this one, I am now anticipating the following.

If you are about to download Dead Space 2  you should check system requirements first of all and compare it with your PC to be sure that game will work out!
Least Requirements: 
System: Windows XP/Vista/7 (32 or 64-bit)
Processor: Intel Pentium 4 @ 2.8 GHz/AMD Athlon XP 3000+
Memory: 1 GB
Hard Drive: 17 GB free
Video Memory: 256 MB
Video Card: nVidia GeForce 6800/ATI Radeon X1600 Pro
Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
System: Broadband Internet Connection for Online Multiplayer
DirectX: 9.0c

Suggested Requirements:
System: Windows XP/Vista/7 (64-bit version)
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo @ 2.8 GHz/AMD Athlon 64 X2 6000+
Memory: 2 GB
Hard Drive: 17 GB free
Video Memory: 512 MB
Video Card: nVidia GeForce 9800/ATI Radeon HD 3800
Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
System: Broadband Internet Connection for Online Multiplayer
DirectX: 9.0c

- Tear through space with full 360 degree development. 
- Wield an arrangement of destroying devices to convey the dread to space. Pierce Necromorphs into the dividers with the Javelin, use enhanced telekinesis to transform appendages into lethal weapons, plant capable eviscerating trek mines, or make a body break to suck a gathering of creatures out into space. 
- Flame up Isaac's suit supporters to rocket around in zero gravity more than ever. Investigate the profundities of the Sprawl and experience new weightless battle and material science based riddles with full 360⁰ development.


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FREE DEAD SPACE 2 PC TORRENT FREE DEAD SPACE 2 PC TORRENT Reviewed by mev on 08:48 Rating: 5

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